Heal your father wounds through the love of Father God

What are you seeking from God your Father? How close do you feel to the Father’s heart? Do you know that, if what you want is good and God doesn’t have a better plan, you already have what you seek? It often takes time for it to be revealed and understood, but God has already granted it because he loves you far more than you realize.

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Meet the Real Abba FatherAvailable Now

The Father’s Heart:
Meet the Real Abba Father

Book One

10 Spiritual Exercises to Heal from the Wounds of the Heart  

with a foreword by Bear Woznick, EWTN television and radio host

Why get this book?

When you’ve cried over unanswered prayers, who did you blame? For most of my life, I blamed myself. God could not possibly be at fault. He was perfect. He was all-good. He loved me unconditionally. So I worked hard at my spiritual growth. I wanted to have faith that was at least the size of a tiny mustard seed. Apparently, according to Jesus, only a little bit of faith is enough to move mountains. “Nothing would be impossible for you,” he said (see Matthew 17:20). And apparently my faith was smaller than that.

During my young adult years, after a major conversion experience in which I recommitted myself to Christ, people told me about miracles they received. However, when I prayed for miracles, nothing happened. “It must be me,” I thought. “Something’s wrong with my faith.” I was so sure of this that when others came together to pray for anything amazing, I left the room afraid that my lack of faith would somehow prevent them from receiving what they asked from God.

Determined to find my way into the mustard seed size faith that can move mountains, I immersed myself in scripture studies, prayer groups, parish events, and anything else that seemed faith-building. Many good fruits came from this daily effort, including a few answered prayers, but not enough. Faith had to be better than this!

Deep down, when we try and try but fail to have the kind of faith that gets results from our prayer requests, we don’t really blame ourselves. We blame God. He is, after, all, way more powerful than we are. He can make miracles happen despite our smaller-than-mustard-seed faith.

God the Father's Heart receives your tears

This raises terrible questions, such as: Has God abandoned me? Is he ignoring me? Does he care about others more than he cares about me? We ask because we feel abandoned, ignored, and uncared for, and we don’t want to believe that God would do that to us.

This leads to many tears. One day as I cried because I felt ignored by God, an image of a cardboard box came to mind. It wasn’t a very big box—about the size of a microwave oven. I wondered what might be in it.

“You have put Me in a box,” I heard in my own inner voice, but I knew it was not my voice. “You have been limiting Me. You see Me as less than I Am. Open the box and let Me out.”

Gladly! I visualized the lid of the box opening up and I imagined God escaping from it and expanding larger and larger until he filled the universe.

This began a life-long quest to unpack who God really is and what he is really like. God as a loving, doting, perfect Father who desires more than we do for our prayers to be answered. God as the infinite, unlimited, all-powerful Father who wants to use his mightiness for our benefit. God as the Father who solves our problems and lifts us up above them.

In the parishes where I’ve worked in adult faith formation and through Good News Ministries (the Catholic faith-building ministry that my husband, Ralph, and I founded in 1995), I’ve made it my goal to help people meet the real Father. Everywhere, I see the need for spiritual healing that comes from perceiving God as less than he is.

We limit the size of our faith by projecting onto God the imperfections that we’ve witnessed in the humans around us. However, because no one—not even the best of parents—can be God for us, we yearn to be fathered by him, and at the same time we have a hard time seeing him as more than what we have witnessed in others.

Furthermore, fatherhood has been severely undermined in society. And this has diluted people’s understanding of the True God. The world today desperately needs to be converted to Christ, but our power as Christians to change the world for Christ is weakened by our own distrust in God the Father.

Download the free article: Healing Your Image of God’s Fatherhood >>

Seeking God

The Father’s Heart is written to help you experience the wonderfulness of the True Father’s heart so that your faith can be set free to reach its full potential. It’s an inspirational guide to healing that will enable you to experience God the Father as he truly is, using scriptures, true life stories, and theological reflection. In it, we’ll identify and overcome the most common misconceptions that interfere with faith in God.

  • Discover how much God the Father cares about you — it’s way more than you imagine!
  • Embrace your true self as the Father’s beloved child and become fully what he designed you to be.
  • Heal from the dissatisfaction and disappointments that happen in every relationship by opening up to God’s perfect love.

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The book The Father’s Heart is filled with true stories from my own personal journey and the experiences of others. Although each situation is unique, the feelings, blessings and problems they generate are universal. It’s my hope that the stories will assure you that you are not alone in your pain. This realization is often the beginning of healing. Story-telling helps make the truth sink deeper into our hearts where real change occurs.

To be effective, we need to be honest. Some people have expressed discomfort over the frankness of my personal stories. “Are you being hurtful to your parents?” they wondered. Rest assured that my parents read this book during its development, and my dad (who has since passed away) helped me to remember some of the details more accurately. They were/are both happy that this book will help others get to know the deep love of God the Father more fully.

The chapters are short to give you time to reflect on each new discovery you make. Use this book as a private, in-home 30-day retreat. It can also be used in parish discussion groups that are set up to offer friendly support and complete confidentiality. Each chapter will generate new insights that will forever change how you view God as your True Father.

My friendship with the Father deepened as I wrote this book. I pray that yours will, too—to astounding new heights of joy and depths of intimacy and an ever-widening trust in the Father’s love for you.

In God’s smile,
Terry Modica

“For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” (Ephesians 3:14-19 NIV)

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25 Replies to “Three Books on the Father’s Love

  1. As a Priest in Africa I feel so inspired the Good News Reflection that I have been receiving since 2007 during my first visit to Minnesota, USA. I have shared this great Spiritual resource with many others.
    I wholeheartedly welcome this book. We truly need healing from God our loving Father.
    Keep up the good work and true apostolate for the transformation of humanity.
    Be assured of my prayers and blessings.
    Fr. Samuel Okidi Mwaka from the Archdiocese of Gulu in Uganda, East Africa.

  2. Praise the Lord! Growing up on the GNM reflections and other reading material available on GNM website, looking forward to read ’30 days to the Father’s heart’.

  3. Thanks terry modica,
    Be blessed for this wonderful inspiration, may the living lord shower more blessings to you to help many people suffering in this world.

    If you don’t mind you can share your private email to sent a prayer request , am passing through difficult time . thanks

    1. Thank you for your prayers, Benedict. Please visit our online Prayer Room. Post your prayer request at https://gnm.org/post-a-prayer/ so that our entire Prayer Network team may pray for your situation.

      If you’re on Facebook, please join our Facebook Prayer to post your prayer requests there: https://www.facebook.com/groups/gnmprayers/

      We also have a prayer group on WhatsApp @ https://chat.whatsapp.com/JpC882VCuPgGFLyFLgRKkj and on the Telegram app @ https://t.me/joinchat/Oi-csVE7Dklv7ggGP2XxuQ.

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