Are you aware of God’s touch? The tender, caring touch of the Father reaching out to you. The hug you need when you feel discouraged or lonely. Or the hug of his compassion. Father God touches us every day in big and small ways. He gives us congratulatory pats on the back. He comforts us when we feel depressed. He lifts us up when we stumble. He holds our hands when we stroll down the street admiring the clouds, the trees, and the flowers. And when we get hurt, he wipes our tears, and he kisses our aches.

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God (2 Corinthians 1:3-4 NIV).

How important his touch is! God designed us to be hugged. We need hugs. Even for our very survival. Abandoned babies in institutions die from lack of touch. Marriages wither from lack of hugging. Children grow up with poor self-esteem from lack of physical nurturing.

Jesus knew how important touch is. Look at how often he healed people through his physical touch. When he healed lepers, he touched them. Their disease was so contagious that it was illegal for lepers to mingle where people could touch them. But Jesus not only healed their skin, he also healed them emotionally and psychologically by giving him what they needed most—human touch.

Do you know how to identify the Father’s hug? Do you know how to feel the hug of an invisible Daddy? Usually, it happens in unexpected ways, at unexpected times. We miss it, however, if we’re distracted by our own ideas of how he should answer our prayers. If we have tunnel vision, seeking only what we think should happen, he reaches out to hug us, but we think he slapped us.

How would you recognize a hug from God?

Day 17 on the journey includes:

  • Experience God’s hug
  • The psychology of hugs
  • The science of hugs


© 2021 by Terry A. Modica


This book is going to soon be republished as three workbooks. Until then, the original  book is no longer available. For news updates, be sure to subscribe to the Author's Blog.

Go to the Table of Contents >> or Day 18 >>

2 Replies to “Day 17: Abba-Father wants to hug you

  1. I just read this chapter and Godincidentally we had just gotten home for the 2nd day in a row from my daughter’s home (her husband and our 3 young granddaughters). Today was the first time my daughter and I hugged since the pandemic started. I had asked PapaGod to protect us all and it was very much needed. What an amazing hug we shared! We didnt want to let go! That was Papa God hugging. And yesterday our 2 youngest ones ran up to me and hugged me and said ” I’m hugging you on this side and my sister on the other side. This is so perfect. A perfect hug picture”. These little ones melted my heart. Thank you Papa God for all the hugs received and given this weekend so far!➕

  2. I liked your comments about Leo Buscaglia. He was a help to me in the past as I did NOT have a hugging background. I think many people are suffering more during the pandemic because of the lack of contact. I did like your comments on how to get virtual hugs from God.

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