It’s been a long and multi-layered journey since the last time I worked on the book “The Father’s Heart.” After I finished chapter 28, I needed to spend time in my dad’s final journey to the Lord. Then there were the after-death tasks, from planning his memorial service to last Friday’s trip to the bank with Mom to get his name off of her accounts, and myriads of other details in between.

Terry Modica, authorAnd the holidays and the ministry’s end-of-year fundraiser occupied my time, too. I’ve also been going to physical therapy twice a week for a torn meniscus in my knee. The tear is too small for surgery but plenty big for disabling my ability to walk more than a few minutes. At last this is just once a week!

Last week I got caught up in the work that had been delayed by everything described above. Praise the Lord! So this week I’m on a writer’s retreat to focus on the final two chapters of the book.

Please keep this covered in your prayers.

Thank you for your patience! Somehow, God’s perfect timing will be revealed in the “delay” of chapters 29 and 30.

4 Replies to “The book will be finished soon!

  1. Just reading the summary tells me that your book is WAY OVERDUE & desperately needed by many! I’m over 70 & have needed it for sixty years. God bless you mightily & Thank you in advance, Terry.

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