The publishing process is moving along well (despite the accident that cut the typesetter’s hand, which required stitches), and soon my book will be available to change your life. I wish it were out already! The impact it’s having on the proofreaders is so affirming that there’s no doubt it’s going to bless everyone who reads it. I’m impatient for you to benefit from it, too.

If you’ve already read the website version of The Father’s Heart, you’re going to find the book version to be even better. (The website no longer has full chapters — just a couple of paragraphs from each one.)

Here’s a sample from Day 2 of the 30-day journey, which includes a spiritual exercise that brings the following 4 steps into your healing process.


Jesus reveals the Father's love to usThe first step in the healing process is to see yourself the way God sees you: with perfect love. Keep in mind that the Devil does not want you to know the truth. We have an enemy who uses our wounds and traumas and brokenness to do all he can to obscure the Lord’s goodness and the Divine Love that’s flowing—already flowing!—into your life in a deeper way. Our enemy wants us to doubt God’s goodness and love. But God gave us the Divine Word (the Bible) to make the truth clear.

The second step in the healing process is to realize that we are all loved incompletely, insufficiently, imperfectly by the humans who are called by God to love us as much as he loves us. And we love them incompletely, insufficiently, imperfectly, too. To find the joy and peace and healing that comes from God’s perfect love, we need to identify the imperfections of humans and turn them into a powerful reminder that Father God is better and bigger than all that. They are, in fact, evidence that he is reaching out to us. He is using them to invite us to realize that only he can give us the fullness of love and goodness and help for which we long.

The third step is to distrust our memories. They are not giving us an accurate picture of God. Memories are unreliable. They are tainted by our emotions and desires and fears.

The fourth step is to consciously differentiate our human parents from God the Perfect Parent. Ask yourself: What is my image of God the Father? Who is he to me?

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We’re now taking pledges (pre-orders without payment). The first 200 pledged orders will get 20% off the $18.50 retail price. What a life-changing Christmas gift this could be! Include extra copies in your order. Hurry before all the discounts are taken!

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