In today’s world, more and more people fear God due to the lifestyles they have chosen and the decisions they have made. Their inner child thinks they will be punished, and shame tells them that they need to hide from God. At the same time, Abba is reaching out with the love of a father who knows that erring children need extra attention, while Jesus the Savior is actively and continually seeking the lost sheep who are hiding from the Father.

What are you ashamed of? Does thinking about it make you want to run to the Father or away from the Father?

Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. (Genesis 3:8 NIV)

Fear is our enemy. Not God. Abba’s love is the cure for all of our traumas and every fear, every worry, every anxiety. The safe and perfect love that we do not receive from humans is readily available from him. Do we really believe this? It seems that most people do not.

It’s not something that is taught often enough in religious education classrooms, homilies, and adult faith formation events. I’ve met many good, faith-filled people who are ridden with anxiety. The reason, in many cases, is that we tend to expect—even demand—that our peace and joy come from other people doing what they are called to do (i.e., love as they should with the love of Christ).

A wife expects her husband to love her faithfully, listen to her because he cares, and humbly apologize when he’s wronged her. The husband expects his wife to be supportive of him in his trials, love him no matter what mood he’s in, and humbly apologize when she’s wronged him. The truth is: This is the love that God calls for in the Vocation of Marriage, so of course it’s expected. The fact is: Everyone fails. Humans will always disappoint us.

Only God’s love is perfect. And it requires spiritual and emotional discipline to turn to him and let his more-than-enough love become our more-than-enough peace and joy.

Abba’s touch is very healing.


Day 6 on the journey includes:

  1. Abba offers freedom from fear
  2. Replace your fears with the Father’s love

To overcome fears, stay in Abba’s arms at all times. Here’s a video course that can help you with this:

How to Find God in Times of Waiting >>


© 2021 by Terry A. Modica


This book is going to soon be republished as three workbooks. Until then, the original  book is no longer available. For news updates, be sure to subscribe to the Author's Blog.

Go to the Table of Contents >> or Day 7 >>


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