The path to heaven is the journey of becoming a little child who sleeps without fear in the Father’s arms. How safe do you feel with God the Father? Are you able to climb up onto his lap and into his arms to feel his protective concern for you? He wants you to feel his powerful arms wrapping around you and creating a zone of extreme peace with you at the center.

The proof of our existence is that God—somebody who is higher, somebody who is greater—is holding us, protecting us. (Saint Teresa of Calcutta)

No one is loved fully in any human relationship. This is a normal flaw of the human condition. And it’s the source of much of our anguish. It’s why Jesus told us to forgive seventy times seven times (Matthew 18:22); in other words: more than we think is enough. And sometimes we have to do this repeatedly—even daily—with the same person!

Therefore, because we project onto God what we’ve learned from humans, it’s difficult (though not impossible) to fully believe that God loves us completely in every possible way despite our own flaws. It’s especially difficult if we hold within us any misconceptions about how safe God is.

If we fear him at all (speaking not in the biblical sense of the word “fear”, which by definition is a very humbling awe of God)—if we fear God for any reason, at any moment, this is a red flag alerting us to our need to discover more about how safe God really is. If we’re afraid of being disappointed by his handling of our prayer requests or if we’re afraid we’re not good enough to receive his doting, fatherly love, we need to open ourselves to what it means to be “safe in God”.

For Nancy whose dad has abandoned the family through mental illness, leaving her unprotected from the abuse of her brothers, feeling safe with God seemed impossible. However, her traumatic childhood was not the only reason why she felt unsafe with the Father. It’s the same with us: There are multiple reasons that were layered on top of each other throughout our lives. Healing requires identifying them and turning each of them over to Jesus, one at a time.


Day 5 on the journey includes:

  • Make straight the safe path to Abba’s Heart
  • Learning to feel safe with Abba-Father
  • Create a visualization — a prayer exercise


© 2021 by Terry A. Modica


This book is going to soon be republished as three workbooks. Until then, the original  book is no longer available. For news updates, be sure to subscribe to the Author's Blog.

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2 Replies to “Day 5: The Safest Father in the World

  1. This chapter moved me to the depths of me. My Jesus took me to the Father. I became a little girl in his arms. He held me and comforted me. He was an older Jesus with grayish long hair and wrinkles with kind eyes just like Jesus, dressed in white garments. There is nothing to fear. He is love.

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