Only one saint stands out as the best human model of God’s fatherhood. Saint Joseph is the best ally for men who want to be good husbands and fathers. And yet we know so little about him from the Bible. Only recently has devotion to this Saint become popular. Why now? It’s because of all that Satan has done to destroy the image of fatherhood. Abba-Father is giving Saint Joseph to the world as a remedy for all of the demonic strategies against marriages and families.

When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife. (Matthew 1:24 NIV)

Joseph is taking into his “home”—his fatherly care—anyone who asks for it. If Mary is our mother, then Joseph is our father representing God the Father. We who have been adopted through baptism to become children of the Divine Father are also adopted by the only human father who is perfect. How did your dad fail you? What did you seek but not get from the father-figures in your life? Joseph has all of the qualities you’ve longed for.

His job, however, is not to replace God as the father we need. His mission is to be the human image of Abba-Father, replacing the flawed image we’ve carried around since childhood. His greatest desire is to replace Satan, the father of lies who has tricked the world into rejecting God’s fatherhood.

Sometimes we mistakenly think that the Devil is the polar opposite of God. We think that Satan is the ultimate nemesis of God, and God is the ultimate nemesis of Satan. This is not true. God already won the battle—long before Jesus defeated Satan on the Cross. The war is being waged between the Devil and the children of God (all humans). Jesus died for us, to set us free from the captivity of evil.

The Devil’s true nemesis is the one who is nicknamed “The Terror of Demons”: Saint Joseph.

Day 26 on the journey includes:

  1. How Saint Joseph wins battles for us
  2. Meet Saint Joseph
  3. The world needs Saint Joseph now more than ever
  4. The Litany of Saint Joseph


© 2021 by Terry A. Modica


This book is going to soon be republished as three workbooks. Until then, the original  book is no longer available. For news updates, be sure to subscribe to the Author's Blog.

Go to the Table of Contents >> or Day 27 >>


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4 Replies to “Day 26: Saint Joseph as the Image of God’s Fatherhood

  1. We need to shout this from the rooftops! Father God is so gracious! He gives us examples to follow if our eyes are open! Can’t wait to get a copy of this book so I can use it! I do better with a physical copy of a book!! Thanks, Terri!!

  2. We have sold our home and need to find another one and have it all settled and ready to move in by 20 January 2021. I am relying on His intercession and help for us.
    My husband’s name is Joseph and our three sons all have Joseph as their 3rd names.
    Thank you for this article and the reassurance it gives that we can rely on the protection of Jesus’s earthly father.

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