Who fights for you? Defends you? Protects you? No one on earth as much as your Divine Daddy does. Who wants to enter into your heart, your story, your journey through the everyday trials of life? No one on earth as much as your Divine Daddy does. He is on your team, and there is no better teammate that God.

By now on your 30-day journey into the Father’s heart, I hope you can picture God as a Good Father who is at your side assisting you in every difficulty. But this is still a very limited view of him. He’s not only at your side, he is actively pouring his grace into your life and into the troublesome situations that you’ve been praying about.

If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things? (Romans 8:31-32 ESV)

“If God is for us who can be against us?” When you read this, which word stands out strongest to you: “if” or “for”? Many of us look at the word “if” and mentally translate it to, “I hope God is for me. I hope he is on my side”.

The truth is, he is always for us, always rooting for us, cheering, and applauding enthusiastically, to give us the confidence to keep pushing forward through whatever trials and challenges we face. He is always wanting what is best for us. He is always doing everything we allow him to do to make our lives better and to prepare us for spending eternity with him in the most glorious way.

Day 19 on the journey includes:

  • Abba-Father collaborates with us
  • Abba’s team spirit
  • Abba-Father sides with you when others hurt you
  • Abba optimizes your opportunities for success


© 2021 by Terry A. Modica


This book is going to soon be republished as three workbooks. Until then, the original  book is no longer available. For news updates, be sure to subscribe to the Author's Blog.

Go to the Table of Contents >> or Day 20 >>


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