Father God created you to be a treasure, a gift to be cherished. To be a gift means that we’re blessing someone. We’re making the lives of others better. Abba-Father designed each of us, at the very moment of our conception, to be gifts for the world—sacred gifts through which he could work. He answers the prayers of others through us. He heals through the giftedness of people in the medical field. He builds homes through the giftedness of laborers. Rarely does he do anything apart from the gifts that he designed into people. God values our partnership in accomplishing his will.

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. (James 1:17 NIV)

Our Divine Daddy enjoys sharing his gifts. And you are one of his most precious gifts!

Acknowledging that we are gifts to the world is not prideful if we also acknowledge the Giver of the gifts. Being a gift is a very humble position, because a gift is always something that is handed over to others. God is the Giver. Others are served by the gift that we are.

Day 14 on the journey includes:

  1. You are a gift to Jesus
  2. You are treasured by the Father
  3. God has gifted you for ministry
  4. Don’t underestimate your value
  5. See your giftedness the way the Father sees them


© 2021 by Terry A. Modica


This book is going to soon be republished as three workbooks. Until then, the original  book is no longer available. For news updates, be sure to subscribe to the Author's Blog.

Go to the Table of Contents >> or Day 15 >>


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4 Replies to “Day 14: The Father sees you as a gift

  1. People have told me on different occasions how very special I am and the beauty that comes out of me whenever I am around. I always thought that they were lying or just telling me things to be on my good side. How can I be like that? I am full of faults. I am not that good of a person. I sin. Reading this and doing the exercises, I realize that these people are seeing the different colors of light within and see the gem and not the muck. I am a gem that is being polished to shine so bright for God. He sees all the beautiful colors within me just like those of the rainbow after the storm. I am Jesus’ special gift! I am a gift of love from my Father to His Son to share me with the world. I am so blessed!

  2. Great chapter. I continually struggle with self esteem and remind myself that God does not make junk……and He created me!

    I did find one correction: around the fourth paragraph which begins with Note: the sentence with your wounds says runs and it should say run. [FIXED!]
    Sorry to be critical. I have an English minor and always see incorrect grammar.

    God continue to bless you and your work!

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