Facing the struggle to know God’s love more

Bill Snyder, founder of Patchwork Heart Ministry, interviewed me for his podcast show Young Catholics Respond. Listen to this great discussion of what to do about the struggle to feel God’s love more fully. There’s a secret, free ebook offer embedded within this interview.   Video Excerpt: Bill Snyder: I would love for you to just maybe talk to the person that’s struggling right now. Talk to that person who’s out there listening to this, going, “Man, I don’t know where to begin and how to start.” I think you’ve given some really awesome advice, but just talk to that person for a few minutes. Terry Modica: The starting place is your need, is just being in touch with your need and identifying that the need is valid, that you are so important to God that he wants to relieve you of the struggle. But first we have to go […] Read More

Stories of why I wrote this book

Seeking God can take us on the railroad tracks of life

In my first interview of 2023, I share stories never before seen in a video nor any of my articles and reflections — such as why my husband needed to teach me how to hug.  Melanie Herschorn, founder of VIP Book Marketing, wanted to know why I wrote The Father’s Heart.  This 19-minute video includes a hint at what my next book might be. But if you want to watch a 9-minute excerpt focusing on two stories from my life that healed me from father wounds and how they helped me reach my full potential as a treasured daughter of the Most High Father God, go to gnm-media.org/two-stories-of-healing-from-father-wounds. Video Excerpt: I learned from my husband how to hug, because both of my parents — especially my dad — were not huggers. When they did hug, it was cold and stiff. My husband came from an Italian family, a big […] Read More